Location Level Customer Personas

Understand Your Best Customers for Each Location

You partner with Buxton for customer-centric site growth, now you can gain a deeper understanding of your brand's best customers so you can optimize each location - all within SCOUT.

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Identify your best customers for each location

Gain unparalleled insights with customer personas, allowing you to pinpoint the optimal marketing channels for your ideal customers. Understand their purchasing propensities at a granular, location-specific level, ensuring your strategies are finely tuned to meet their needs. This targeted approach helps you make more informed decisions to drive higher engagement and conversion rates.

Actionable data for the entire team

Elevate your strategies across marketing, merchandising, and operations. Empower your team with tailored, data-driven insights, moving beyond generic, one-size-fits-all approaches to achieve targeted, effective outcomes. With clear, actionable data, every team member can contribute to a cohesive and successful strategy.

Smarter location optimization

Unlock maximum growth potential by identifying and targeting your best new customer opportunities at each location. Utilize location-level insights to drive smarter, more strategic optimization efforts. By focusing on the most promising segments, you can ensure efficient resource allocation and sustainable growth.