Campaign Execution Services

Send your specialty healthcare organization’s marketing messages to the right current or prospective patients.

What is it?

After using your Buxton Predictive Marketing Model to identify which consumers you should target, place your specialty healthcare organization’s marketing messages in front of those consumers using Buxton’s direct mail list rental and targeted digital marketing services.

What will Buxton’s Marketing Campaign Execution Services do for me?

Improve direct mail ROI.

Rather than blanketing a trade area with direct mail messages, license our targeted contact lists for single use or multiuse campaigns.

Increase click-through rates on banner ads.

Increase your digital banner ad click-through rate by serving ads to the right consumers. Buxton leverages a variety of targeting technologies, from device ID targeting to IP targeting.

Conduct prospecting campaigns via email.

Grow patient acquisition by reaching potential patients in their inboxes with our email campaign deployment services.

Measure the results of your campaigns to optimize future marketing initiatives.

Following each digital marketing campaign, Buxton will provide key performance indicators to help you measure success. We can also conduct a more detailed response analysis for your direct mail, digital, or multichannel campaigns to determine response rates and profitability.

Buxton's customer analytics are the secret weapon behind today's top brands.

Get started with Buxton today.


Want to learn more about Buxton's Campaign Execution Services product?

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