Competitive Landscape Report

Understand the competitive landscape for your target firm.

What is it?

Buxton’s Competitive Landscape Report gives private equity firms insights into a target firm’s competitive environment to support the due diligence process preceding an acquisition. Know the company’s major competitors by industry and region, understand whether the industry is consolidated or fragmented, and gain other important insights to make the right investment decision.

What will a Competitive Landscape Report do for me?

Understand geographic positioning.

Identify the regions that specific competitors dominate and how competitors are positioned relative to the target firm’s existing unit network. Understand whether target markets are saturated.

Identify which competitors most influence performance.

Measure the competitive effect of individual competitors or groups of competitors on the target firm to identify which competitors have the strongest negative influence on performance.

Gain insights into co-location strategies and indirect competitors.

Learn about the firm’s co-location opportunities to inform future growth decisions and identify potential indirect competitors who may influence future performance.

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