3 Tips for Evaluating Franchise Marketing Systems

3 Tips for Evaluating Franchise Marketing Systems

Today, many franchisors are seeking new methods to help their franchisees acquire new customers. While they realize that customization by franchise location is beneficial, many corporate marketing teams don’t have the time to create customized messages for all franchise locations. That can lead to messaging that doesn’t resonate with all potential customers and disappointing ROI.

As we’ve all experienced, technology has the power to improve many aspects of our lives. When it comes to franchise marketing, technology can help make this process simpler and more effective for organizations across various industries.

If you are considering a franchise marketing system for your organization, there are several important factors to consider. Read on to learn three tips for evaluating franchise marketing systems.

#1 Look for Franchise Marketing Systems That Allow You to Target Your Best Potential Customers

Some franchise marketing systems allow you to segment your potential customers by demographic information alone. While this method can be somewhat effective, it doesn’t paint the complete picture of who your best potential customers are. You may end up targeting consumers who aren’t likely to respond to your campaigns, which wastes marketing budget.

It’s important to look for a system that uses psychographic data, meaning the purchasing habits of your best potential customers, so you can make more accurate decisions when deciding who to target with marketing messages.

#2 Consider Brand Standards Management

If you’re concerned about your franchisees creating campaigns that don’t match your brand standards, look for a system that allows for your corporate marketing team to manage these brand standards so franchisee campaigns stay consistent. Some franchise marketing systems have a “corporate portal” feature that allows staff to pre-set colors, logos, images, and even approved messages.

#3 Evaluate Channel Options for Creating Different Types of Ads

As we all know, the same types of ads don’t resonate with everyone, so look for a franchise marketing system that will make building multichannel campaigns a breeze for your franchisees. Some technologies allow franchisees to craft and deploy direct mail, email, banner, Google search and Facebook ads in minutes, all from their phones.

Regardless of the types of ads your customers typically respond to, franchisees should be able to build multichannel campaigns to target different potential customers. Consider how many channels each system offers and look for one that offers a good variety.  

The Bottom Line

These are only a few examples of things to consider as you search for the best franchise marketing system for your organization. Visit our technology page to learn more about Buxton’s options for helping you implement local store marketing technology for your franchisees.