Retail Store Growth in 2013

Retail Store Growth in 2013

Buxton’s Retail Client Real Estate Evaluations and Store Openings in 2013

Buxton’s retail clients were busy in 2013.

This map reflects the more than 80,000 sites in the U.S. that were evaluated (red dots) and the more than 7,500 stores that were opened (green dots) in 2013 by our clients.

2013 score and site map

Congratulations to our clients on their tremendous growth in 2013, and here’s to a great year ahead!

Retailers use Buxton’s customer analytics and SCOUT, our cloud-based data visualization tool, to quickly evaluate the performance potential of any piece of real estate they are considering.

Through SCOUT, retailers are able to see concentrations of their best customers, competition, revenue forecasts and cannibalization analyses, anywhere at any time – enabling retailers to make instant “go” or “no go” site location decisions.

By knowing before they go, Buxton’s retail clients are able to open stores with confidence and aggressively out-position their competitors.

To learn how Buxton’s retail solutions can help your organization get on the fast-track for growth in 2014 contact us.