4 Retail Customer Analytics Stories to Start the New Year

4 Retail Customer Analytics Stories to Start the New Year

The retail industry is prime for growth in the new year, but evolving shopping behavior, economic uncertainty and shifts in the real estate industry are driving the need for retailers to be more savvy with their plans. To help you navigate the challenges ahead, here are a few of our favorite content pieces to enhance your retail growth strategies in the new year:

  1. A Beginner’s Guide to Retail Site Selection Solutions. Having the right retail site selection solution is crucial for any business looking to add new locations. Here’s everything you need to ensure you’re making confident real estate decisions all year long.
  2. Top Reasons for Shopping Cart Abandonment. More than 65 percent of online shopping carts are abandoned. Learn why this happens and how you can tackle this challenge to enhance your ecommerce moving forward.
  3. The Millennial Impact on the Transformation of Consumer Behavior in U.S. Cities. Millennials remain a mystery to many retailers. In this article, Buxton takes a deep dive to uncover how this generation is influencing everything from real estate to shopping trends. Don’t miss out on valuable insights to capture market share from this influential generation.
  4. How to Explain Retail Market Research & Analytics Tools to Your Boss. Analytics solutions will help you make better business decisions, but making that sell to your boss isn’t always easy. Here are a few key points to help you communicate the value of retail market research and analytics and where to begin.

Get ahead with customer analytics, and start the new year with Buxton! 

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