Consumer Analytics in Action: Addressing Health Inequities through Social Determinants

Consumer Analytics in Action: Addressing Health Inequities through Social Determinants

Social determinants of health (SDOH) refer to the non-medical factors that influence an individual's health outcomes. The generally accepted social determinants of health published by the Kaiser Family Foundation can be categorized in six groups: socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood and physical environment, employment, and social support networks, as well as access to health care.  

Bill Stinneford, Executive Vice President of Revenue, says that by knowing “acutely where the different pockets of [disparities] are, healthcare systems and businesses can address them by putting services and education in those areas.” To know where the pockets of disparities are, healthcare organizations need data. Patient analytics can be a powerful tool for understanding the relationship between SDOH and health outcomes. For example, by analyzing demographic data, healthcare organizations can identify patterns and trends that may indicate health disparities among certain racial or ethnic groups or low-income populations, as well as identify specific SDOH that impact patient health outcomes.  

Psychographic data can also be used to identify risk factors for poor health outcomes, such as unhealthy behaviors, enabling healthcare organizations to better target interventions to address those behaviors. In addition to demographic and psychographic data, healthcare organizations can leverage POI data to better visualize any potential food deserts within a given geographic area, as well as identify areas with poor access to healthcare. 

Ultimately, the key to improving population health and reducing health disparities related to SDOH is data, and Buxton’s data and analytics software can help you unlock the answers you need. The Buxton Platform, powered by the newest and most innovative datasets, provides insights that can inform evidence-based decision making, and help develop targeted interventions to improve health outcomes. Talk to your Buxton account representative to learn more about how Buxton can help your organization identify the social determinants affecting your area’s population.