Social Media’s Influence on How Millennials Shop

Social Media’s Influence on How Millennials Shop

The elusive Millennial generation is bigger and harder to win over than previous generations. They march to a different tune, one which has been influenced by the fact that they have grown up with technology as a pacifier.

Their mindset is different from that of other generations, making past marketing approaches ineffective – and leaving all retailers with great challenges.

Millennials are blurring the lines and rules about how and where to shop – lines that didn’t exist even a generation ago.

In order to understand how social media specifically influences the way Millennials shop, Teen Vogue’s “Seeing Social” survey explores the role social plays in the beauty and fashion decision-making process.

The results may surprise you.

For instance, did you know that when asked what they would like to see more of from fashion and beauty brands on social media, 65% said “tell me where the closest store is to buy the product I’m looking at?”

Or that Instagram is the number one platform that inspires respondents to purchase?