The Monthly Performance Outlook at Your Fingertips - Alert

The Monthly Performance Outlook at Your Fingertips - Alert

Looking for a quick glimpse into your industry's future? Introducing Alert - effortless insight delivered straight to your inbox.

By leveraging cutting-edge time series models and U.S. Census Retail and Services sales data, Alert offers a summarized performance outlook for both your brand and your industry, giving you a competitive edge.

Analyzing Your Brand’s Performance Outlook 

Each month, we use our resources and expertise to provide our Alert customers with a glimpse into the future. By incorporating a range of factors, including traffic trends, industry benchmarks, and your brand's historical performance, Alert identifies potential risks to your brand and alerts you to areas that require immediate attention.

The Results 

  • A Positive forecast means you have a low risk of sales decline compared to the same period last year.  

  • A Negative forecast means you have a high risk of sales decline compared to the same period last year. 

Armed with this quick performance outlook, you can make informed decisions, tailor your strategies, and seize opportunities as they arise. By embracing advanced monthly data analytics reports, you position your brand for a promising future in an ever-evolving marketplace.