Up the Value of Your Data Mart: Patients Are Revealing Your Future

Up the Value of Your Data Mart: Patients Are Revealing Your Future

Healthcare providers lead the pack in gathering data on their “customers,” having been at it for years. But just amassing info in your data mart isn’t enough. What you do with that data speaks volumes about your future. How healthy is your network’s prognosis?

While healthcare providers sit on some of the most valuable consumer information in the world, many simply don’t realize it, or they don’t take the extra step to extract the robust patient analytics that can literally predict the future of their organizations.

When you analyze and enrich the data that’s in your existing data marts, you can drive your network’s real estate, marketing and service optimization decisions with a level of confidence that will rocket you beyond your competitors.

One example:

Let’s say you’re starting to think about a facility acquisition or even a merger — something that will likely become more common as healthcare reform proceeds and providers explore new ways to meet mandates for reducing costs while improving quality. Decisions about how and where to expand or consolidate will require that you:

  • Understand every detail of your current patient population and where you can reach out to find more of those types of patients.

  • Identify the best geographic areas for new facility locations. Or explore consolidation to optimize ROI at top-performing locations.

  • Determine how efficiently ambulatory sites can be staffed and how they’ll interact with your existing facilities.

You can accomplish all that and much more with predictive models that let you construct and analyze endless what-if scenarios before making a single decision. There’s no better way to mitigate risk and see your future clearly. Are you listening to what your patient data is telling you? Are your data marts  making you data smart?