The All-In-One Expansion Analytics Solution for Credit Unions

The All-In-One Expansion Analytics Solution for Credit Unions

Buxton Provides an All-In-One Expansion Analytics Solution for Credit Union Marketing and Real Estate Teams

Buxton helps you solve your toughest business decisions. Our software solutions are key to improving operations and supporting expansion opportunities. Identify your deposit and checking account members, score potential sites to improve site selection decisions, identify and prioritize new branch expansion opportunities and understand existing branch performance with Buxton.

With Buxton, you'll uncover key business intelligence to guide your marketing and expansion strategies, recommending the best channels to speak with each of your individual members. 

Understand Your Current and Potential Members

Detailed behavioral insight is key to meeting and exceeding evolving member needs. Buxton uses our comprehensive data analytics portfolio to determine:

  • WHO your members are.
  • WHERE more potential members like them are found.
  • The VALUE of existing and potential members.

We then take that data a step further and advise which channels you need to use to reach your current and lookalike members. With psychographic and behavioral insight, you'll better understand your members - and how to target them.

Our comprehensive analysis arms you with the intel you need to create localized marketing plans that speak to your current and potential members.

Score Potential Sites to Improve Business Decisions

Whether you're focused on expansion opportunities or just keeping an eye on your current branch dynamics, Buxton’s analytics are key to making informed business decisions. Our models will provide you with site-specific scoring tools for on-demand, address-specific analyses in SCOUT.

We will take into consideration the attributes that best correlate your most successful branches, including but not limited to your member profile, cotenants, area draw, competition, and various demographic, psychographic, financial, and behavioral trade area characteristics.

Identify and Prioritize Location Expansion Opportunities

Our comprehensive analysis is the guide for credit unions looking to grow their influence and expand into new trade areas. Your personalized potential analysis will identify new trade areas that can be expected to produce at or above your specified benchmark thresholds.

With Buxton, your team saves valuable time and money by only opening branches that are most likely to succeed.

Understand Existing Location Performance and Identify Underperforming Assets

Buxton will conduct a comprehensive portfolio audit to help you optimize your current location portfolio. To conduct this assessment, we use your models to score your existing locations and plot the scores on a graph that compares each location’s index score to its actual performance. Locations with a high score but low actual performance could represent opportunities to improve operationally or through marketing while locations with a low score and low actual performance could represent opportunities to close/relocate.

This information is crucial for resource allocation, enabling you to invest more in high-performing branches and develop strategies to revitalize or optimize underperforming ones. Identify patterns, pinpoint opportunities for growth, and make data-driven decisions to optimize overall performance.

The Importance of Actionable Insights 

Our comprehensive analysis considers both your members and the financial industry as a whole - identifying exactly which of your branches are winning or losing. This information is crucial for resource allocation, enabling you to invest more in high-performing branches and develop strategies to revitalize or optimize underperforming ones. Identify patterns, pinpoint opportunities for growth, and make data-driven decisions to optimize overall performance.

Contextualized analytics empower credit union teams to make informed, data-backed decisions. Our insights allow you to optimize your marketing strategies, allocate resources effectively, and identify untapped opportunities. Raw data is useless without insight. At Buxton, we go a step further and provide you with the actionable intel you need to supercharge your expansion efforts. 

With the right intel, your team can navigate the market with confidence and drive sustainable growth for your brand.

Save time and resources with actionable insight. Speak to a Buxton representative, and advance your credit union today.