Using Data to Support Community Development Grant Funding Applications

Using Data to Support Community Development Grant Funding Applications

You’ve identified a community development project with strong potential, analyzed the risks and benefits, sought stakeholder approval, and developed a plan. But now, you have to find a way to pay for the project.

Whether you are seeking funding from local boards, the federal Community Development Block Grant program, or a workforce development program such as RISE Up from the National Retail Federation, presenting a data-backed case for your project increases your chances of receiving the support you seek.

Fortunately, today’s geographic analytics platforms provide a wealth of reports and data that can help community leaders to present a clear picture of local market dynamics. Here are two examples.

Workforce Development Programs

Daytime population is an important metric for communities seeking workforce development program funding. It provides insights into who is in the city during the workday. Breaking the numbers down by industry provides further insights into professions that have a strong or weak presence in the community and can support the request for targeted workforce development funding. 

For example, communities trying to recruit retailers and restaurants can use a daytime population report in combination with a leakage/surplus analysis to identify what type of workforce might be needed to support new retailers in categories that the community currently lacks.  

Brownfield Redevelopment Programs

Cleaning up brownfield sites is a big task but it allows communities to reclaim valuable land and improve the environment. One Buxton client presented census numbers combined with medical reports showing the health problems occurring in the area around a brownfield site. The data provided the evidence the city needed to win a grant to clean up the site.

The key to effectively using data in your grant application is to think creatively about the data you already have. In the examples above, existing reports were combined to paint a clearer picture of the opportunity. While a specific report may not immediately seem relevant to a grant application, it can become extremely powerful when combined with other reports.

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