How Consumer Analytics Drive Healthcare Success

How Consumer Analytics Drive Healthcare Success

Consumer analytics is the use of data from a combination of sources to give you a more comprehensive understanding of who your best patients are, where those patients and others like them are located and the value of those patients to your business.

Consumer analytics solutions come in a variety of forms. While some types of solutions rely on pre-built models, others combine your data with third party data sets to construct a custom solution. These custom solutions are designed to address your unique growth concerns and goals.

How do consumer analytics support my healthcare practice?

Your patients are the foundation of your business, and consumer analytics is the engine that drives growth strategies across your organization, from the C-suite to analysts.

Market planning 

With consumer analytics, determine how many facilities a market can support, where facilities should be located in new markets and the best opportunities to infill existing markets.


Move from mass-marketing messages to tailored messages delivered to your best patients through the mediums they prefer, whether that be digital, direct mail or both.

Service Lines 

Considering expansion into new service lines? Let consumer analytics help guide your decision by evaluating the best opportunities for your unique healthcare offering.


Enhance operations at the facility level through consumer analytics. Identify underperforming facilities, candidates for relocation and opportunities to increase facility potential.

The Bottom Line

Consumer analytics are not a one-time resource. Consumer analytics will continually drive important business decisions by delivering ongoing intelligence to guide future decisions. Through constant evaluation and keeping a pulse on your patients and competitors, you can achieve success by leveraging the consumer analytics engine. 

To learn more about how consumer analytics can help your healthcare organization, get in touch with one of our experts

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