Site Score Models

Make great site selection decisions with a Buxton site score model.

When it’s time to make an important real estate decision, a site score model gives you the unbiased, data-backed validation you need to have confidence in moving forward.

Buxton’s team of analytics experts know that no two businesses are the same, which is why we offer a range of different modeling approaches to meet different needs and business stages. In general, our models can be classified into five primary types. Our consultants will work with you to identify the modeling approach that is right for your business.

Not interested in or able to share data with us? Our industry and enhanced industry site score models, which are developed based on our analytical industry expertise, may be the perfect fit. Ready to go all in? Our benchmark and forecasting models are fully customized to your business.

Regardless of the modeling approach used, each model is designed to help you open home run new locations and avoid expensive mistakes.

Buxton’s customer analytics are the secret weapon behind today’s top brands.

Get started with Buxton today.

Curious? Check out some of the major similarities and differences between the model types.

Commmon Site Score Model Types Customer Value Industry Enhanced Benchmark Forecasting
Supports informed real estate decisions
Available for both retail and healthcare industries Healthcare Only
Requires client data Optional
Requires minimum client data sample set size
Utilizes psychographic and behavioral data, as well as demographics, to understand consumers
Incorporates supply and demand variables
Provides scores on demand, post-implementation in SCOUT Index Index Index Index Value
Supports market optimization analysis via Optimizer
Utilizes customized consumer profile If Data
Utilizes customized data variables/model
Estimates cannibalization of existing locations
Deploys immediately